Terms of use

Kindly read the Terms of Use before using the website

By accessing and browsing (Al Ghad Blog), you agree to the Terms of Use and Service

Terms of Use :

Terms and conditions apply to this website, including to serve you and provide you with relevant information.

We have terms below, if you do not agree to them, you may leave immediately.

These terms and conditions are :

Content Rights

Intellectual property :

All content (text, visual presentation, visual identity) is the property of ( Al-Ghad Blog ) and the owner of the website

Unless the specific content states otherwise, you may not use, transfer or copy the name of the site

or reuse the logo, as well as the design of the page and its incorporation into another website, including the exploitation of the site’s resources

or the resale and marketing of materials in the site and its attribution to any other party without the written consent of the site administration.

In addition, with our eagerness to spread and generalize interest, we have provided tools for publishing, such as page links and direct posting to social media sites.

We allow quoting and copying the content for personal use, provided that the source of the content is mentioned by citing the name of the site or attaching the original link to the article or blog as the source of the information.

Comments by visitors :

Feedback service is available on the site through two channels :

  • Contact Form
  • Comment box at the bottom of each article

Publishing a comment under articles requires moderator approval

where we do not allow replies and comments that contain racist, abusive, polemical or political speech

we also do not allow sexual content, spam, promotional replies, irrelevant replies to the article as well as link attachments.

We reserve the right to reject or remove any comment or reply that violates these terms or at our sole discretion.

Contracting with content creators:

As a content creator and seller, by contracting or agreeing with you to order an article

you agree and acknowledge that the article purchased from you, with its content, and posted on the website

will be our exclusive property and you are not allowed to resell it to another party or publish it anywhere else

except for displaying it within your own portfolio.

Disclaimer ( 1 )

This section does not limit or exclude any warranties implied by law which it would be

unlawful to limit or exclude, this website and all its contents are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind including :

Content Warranty :

While we strive to produce high quality, credible and professional content

we cannot guarantee the safety and validity of all the information we provide, and it does not constitute medical advice or counseling for treatment or a substitute for it

You should always refer to your own doctor for confirmation and assurance.

Misuse and Misunderstanding :

Our website is dedicated to scientific education and answering common questions

Our website assumes no responsibility for misunderstanding the published content, as well as unwise or irrational behavior

with the website materials and does not guarantee that the website or our content will meet your requirements.

Engaging in any activity that causes or may cause damage to the Website or interferes with the performance

availability or accessibility of the Website is strictly prohibited

Editing and modification :

We reserve the right to modify, add or remove any section or area of the Website

as well as any content displayed, without prior notice to the visitor and to close, freeze or transfer the Website

to any entity, whether commercial or non-commercial, without prior notice

You agree not to hold us liable to you or any third party for any loss of features, settings

or any content that you have contributed or relied on permanently, and you will not be entitled to any compensation or payment for such loss .

Security and technical glitches :

While we do our best to protect the ( Al Ghad Blog) website and provide everything necessary

we cannot ensure that the website is free of malware, viruses and similar, and we disclaim responsibility

for the possibilities of hacking the website and broadcasting offensive and harmful content, or disrupting the site from working

as well as for any software and other errors, if any, that affect the quality and service of the website.

Disclaimer ( 2 )

Third party :

This website is involved in displaying advertisements for third parties, as well as affiliate marketing for which we receive a commission

We are not responsible for the advertising content displayed and what it contains.

We do not monitor or review the content of third-party websites linked to our website and do not necessarily share the opinions

or materials presented therein, nor do we assume any responsibility for their privacy practices .

You assume all risks associated with your use of third-party websites and any damage or loss in any way whatsoever

caused by your disclosure of your personal information to third parties.

Public participants in the Content Sharing Program :

Participants in the Content Sharing Profit Program are responsible for all content posted in their name.


To access our website or services, you may be required to provide certain information about yourself

as part of the registration process
You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate, true and up-to-date.

We have established a policy to address any privacy concerns you may have

Please refer to our Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy Here

Violation of these Terms and Conditions

If you breach these Terms and Conditions in any way, we may take such action as we consider

appropriate to deal with the breach, including :

  • temporarily or permanently suspend your access to this website
  • contact your internet service provider to request that your access to the website be blocked
  • filing a complaint with a search engine to remove your violation
  • Taking legal action against you

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims

liabilities, damages, and expenses related to your violation of these Terms and Conditions

You will fully reimburse us for our damages, losses, costs and expenses related to or arising out of such claims


These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted exclusively in English

and all notices and communications shall be written exclusively in that language .

Entire agreement

These Terms of Use (Terms and Conditions) together with the Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy

constitute the entire agreement between you and Al Ghad Blog in relation to your use of this website

Applicability and updating of Terms and Conditions

The posting date of this page is the effective date of these terms and conditions and the date of their latest revision

We will send you a written notice if we make any changes, updates or modifications.
