Category: Psychology

In the Psychology section, we publish articles and posts on various aspects of the field such as the study

of human behavior, the human mind, and the impact of internal and external factors affecting human mental health and

well-being. We also shed light on psychological and mental disorders and diseases and their treatment


  • how to get out of depression

    how to get out of depression ?

    In this article, we will talk about this illness , symptoms ,reasons and the most important thing is how to get out of depression

    so that one can of it he should know secrets this illness and solve his complex puzzle through

    addressing its details and analyze with a scientific curriculum way

    What is depression ?

    It is mentally and psychotherapy disorder it characters by deep and continuous sadness and pain .

    In other hand , it is awfully increase with mood Depression is considered the most of illnesses that it is misunderstood and

    it is killer The women are more susceptible to infection than men .

    Causes of depression

    There are many causes of depression that are directly and indirectly

    Brain chemistry imbalance

    lack of two materials serotonin and dopamine in brain leads to depression that means there are internal and external effects .

    it effects to imbalance with increase and decrease


    Through inherited genes some families have history at depression function between their numbers and there are genes that able to

    development depression comparted with others genes


    Food that is poor in Nutrients such as vitamins lead to

    Problems and pains in body

    Patients who have dangerous diseases such as cancer in addition to those have pains in body .

    Unhealthy lifestyle

    Such las loneliness and lack of movement .

    therefor It is commen with people who don’t exposed to sun enough

    Negative life

    Such as failure and being bulled or violence also physical assault

    Experiencing a painful loss

    Such as losing a close person or job or large amount of money

    Symptoms of depression:

    There are many symptoms to depression illness like physical and psychological that effect on health and thinking

    in addition to his out look on life symptoms vary from person to anther somebody are shared with other disorders

    So it is difficult to diagnose at first One of its most famous trademarks

    • Sadness and constand feeling of distress and suffering
    • Crying for no reason where noticed excessive emotion
    • Low self esteem – Feeling of worthlessness or uselessness
    • Simple things are difficult such as choosing the clothes shopping or pay a phone bill
    • Loss are decrease in interest passion and desire in perform usual activities already or that others do it natural.
    • Retrieval of old negative memories frequently then feeling of guilt or shame Negative thinking and pessimism
    • Change in appetite increase or decrease
    • Change in sleeping increase or de crease
    • Excessive nervousness or rapid irritability

    Risks and complications

    There are many serious risks and threats that accompanies long suffering of depression or not treating on :

    1.Suicide , in the end the depression leads to suicide or even trying it ,is necessary to noticed awareness to thinking signs

    with suicide it ,is considered the cause of most deaths are caused by suicide .

    2.Increases the change of emergence to others illness such as schizophrenia and anxiety the patient will be worse .

    3.Increase addiction and its development such as al cohol and drugs .

    4.Increase physical problems that related to public health It leads to weaken immunity and a lot of diseases

    5. Low quality of life it effects on lifestyle reduces the level of satisfaction and weakens confidence and self esteem

    Treating depression

    we can treat depression that depend on updated etiology it is the most effective when we merge psychotherapy drug discuss with the doctor and psychologist treatment options that it involves drug treatment it is necessary for moderate and severe cases the treatment are dispensed by doctor for two weeks until show its effectives and notice a tangible improvement should be discussing with the doctor to take additional procedures when the patient’s condition is criticalpsychotherapy psychologist takes care of it he holds sessions with the patient that involve -cognitive behavioral therapy -affirmative therapy -a skill managing stress and crises -changing lifestyle through Having healthy food Avoiding stress as much as possible Doing sport and hobbies positive social integration

    Types of depression

    It has many types according to characteristics :

    1-severe depression2-chronic depression3-comorbidity to illness or other health disorders4-Dipolar depression5-Seasonal emotional depression6-Atypical depression

    Prevention of depression

    It is said (prevention is better than cure) There are many recommendations and strategies to avoid depression :

    Doing sports :

    it improves Endorphins production and it is considered natural for body and improves mood .

    Reducing stress :

    if you reduce the stress and control it physical and therapy stress for long time, you won’t have depression.

    It is react to continuous stress for long time.

    Caring for public health and healthy food :

    if you follow healthy lifestyle, you are protected from depression certainly.

    The human needs to sleep and relax in order to his body works naturally , lack of sleep makes him feel tired and depression all day.

    Reducing from negative effects :

    – Avoid listening to sad news and don’t communicate with toxic personalities, it maintains the mood well. -Practice meditation and relaxation:It improves the health and leads to silence, that sends thankful messages to self gratitude , So that it enhances satisfaction and reduce of depression

    Difference between the sadness and depression:

    There’s no sadness to worry, It is natural feeling Every body have it , they feel it often related to pains situations .

    Fun and sadness feelings take turn for human, But depression is for a long time .

    Upon medical diagnosis, If you have depression symptoms for two weeks , It is Strong evidence of infection .

    Latest developments in depression

    Recently, a treatment method has emerged, it is Non-surgical and non-pharmacological .

    That it is called Magnetic stimulation of the brain.